CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture and is a great way to ensure your food security and support your local food producer at the same time! Farm members pay in advance for a weekly box of incredibly fresh and nutritious vegetables, and share in the risks and rewards of the growing season. This helps your farmers with all the early season costs like seeds and soil amendments, and makes local, seasonal eating effortless for you. You will get a nice mix of familiar staples like carrots, salad mix, cucumbers, tomatoes and potatoes, plus some veggies that may be new to you. Our weekly newsletters will give you recipes and inspiration for making lots of delicious meals!

Summer CSA
Our Summer CSA currently serves Nelson and the Slocan Valley with two weekly pickup options on Wednesdays and Saturdays. The CSA runs from about mid-May to October, depending on the weather, for 20 weeks. We also offer the option to keep going later into fall depending on our produce availability.
We have two box sizes for the Summer CSA. The small is about $25 weekly value, good for a couple, or the large is about $40 weekly value, great for a small family or two big veggie eaters. This year, you will also be able to add on extras if you wish using our online store! (link to online store)
The small share is $550. The large share is $850.
Payment in full is most appreciated at sign-up or by April 1, or you can opt to pay in 2 instalments (April 1 and June 1). We strive to be inclusive, so please get in touch if you would like to make a more flexible payment plan.

Winter CSA
Our Winter CSA currently serves Nelson and the Slocan Valley. Boxes are every 2 weeks from late October to early March, for 10 boxes over the winter months. We offer home delivery for Nelson members for an extra fee, and farm pickup for Valley members. This one is very popular, always full and currently has a waitlist. Email us to get on the waitlist!
We have two box sizes for the Winter CSA. The small box is about $60 value every 2 weeks, the large box is about $90 value every 2 weeks. Every winter box will have carrots, garlic, potatoes, onions or shallots, and either cabbage or fresh greens. Plus you get a rotating mix of other storage veggies like beets, parsnips, rutabaga, watermelon radishes, Brussels sprouts, winter kohlrabi, and more. When the weather cooperates, we harvest baby spinach and other hardy greens from our unheated tunnels in the middle of winter!
Small share is $650. Large share is $950.
Delivery to Nelson add $60 for the whole winter
Payment is most appreciated at sign-up, or you can opt to pay in two instalments. We strive to be inclusive, so please get in touch to make a more flexible payment plan.
Please email us at info@crookedhornfarm.ca to get on the Winter CSA waitlist
Summer CSA Sign Up
Email info@crookedhornfarm.ca with your NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER, best EMAIL(s) to send newsletters to (you can include anyone you are sharing with), and BOX SIZE
NELSON MEMBERS: Please choose which pick up day you would like:
WEDNESDAY (5 pm pickup) or SATURDAY (10 am pickup) at the Visitors Center in Nelson at Railway
Let us know if you are paying in 2 instalments (April 1 and June 1), or get in touch to make another payment arrangement.
SLOCAN VALLEY: Please choose which pick up day you would like: WEDNESDAY or SATURDAY. You can come at your convenience, and grab your veggies from our storage room
Let us know if you are paying in 2 instalments (please have 2nd payment by June 1), or get in touch to make another payment arrangement.
Send an etransfer to info@crookedhornfarm.ca
We have auto-deposit so you don’t usually need a password, but please let us know if the etransfer is coming from a different name in the message box
Here's What May be Included in Your Summer CSA
Early spring:
Small box: 1/3 lb salad mix, 1/2 lb baby spinach, small bok choy bunch, Hakurei salad turnips
Large box: 3/4 lb salad mix, 3/4 lb baby spinach, large bok choy bunch, Hakurei salad turnips, red radishes
Small box: pint cherry tomatoes, ½ lb eggplant, 2 lb potatoes, carrots, 2 oz garlic, 1 lb cucumber, 2 jalapeno peppers
Large box: quart cherry tomatoes, ½ lb eggplant, 3 lb potatoes, carrots, 5 oz garlic, 1 lb cucumber, 3 jalapeno peppers, sprouting broccoli bunch, collard greens
Late summer:
Small box: pint shishito peppers, 1 lb tomatoes, 1 lb pattypan squash, kale, basil, salad mix
Large box: large cauliflower, pint shishito peppers, 1 ½ lb tomatoes, 2 lb pattypan squash, kale, basil, ½ lb salad mix
Small box: parsley, carrots, beets, 2 lb Sieglinde potatoes, head lettuce,
2 oz garlic, kohlrabi
Large box: parsley, carrots, beets, 3 lb Sieglinde potatoes, head lettuce, 5 oz garlic,
2 kohlrabi, 1 lb tomatoes, sweet Italian peppers
Some finer points:
- You can choose to swap out 1 item a week from your share, or choose 1 item to never get in your box
- If you know in advance that you will be away for a certain number of weeks over the CSA season, we can adjust the CSA price for you
- If you can’t collect your box on your regular day, you have a few options (please give us 2 days notice):
→skip up to 2 boxes during the season and make those up later OR
→choose an alternate day to pick up OR
→donate your box to a family in need or to the Nelson or Slocan Valley Food Cupboard