Wetlands are some of the most important ecosystems on the planet, providing habitat and breeding grounds for a wide variety of species. Sadly, wetlands are disappearing rapidly at a rate 3 times faster than forests, resulting in loss of biodiversity and carbon sequestration. 

In 2016 we were approached by Gregoire Lamoureux of the Slocan River Streamkeepers to gauge our interest in developing wetlands on our farm. It was an easy decision for us as we support protecting and enhancing the wild parts of the farm for the benefit of our local flora and fauna. We embraced the project and were thrilled to witness the ecological balance being brought back to these areas of our farm, which would have been wetlands at one time before being converted to farmland. The first spring, just after the winter installation of the wetlands, we were treated to a chorus of frog songs. It has quickly become a vibrant habitat for frogs, toads, dragonflies, salamanders and other creatures. Winlaw is known for its mosquitoes in the summer, but a walk through the wetlands is totally bearable and often we don’t get any bites at all! 

We would like to thank the many people and organizations that have worked on, funded, and continue to monitor the project: Gregoire Lamoureux (Slocan River Streamkeepers), Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program (FWCP) , National Conservation Plan with Environment Canada, Columbia Basin Trust, BC Wildlife Federation Wetlands Education Program, with support from: Selkirk Geospatial Research Centre, Slocan Wetlands Assessment and Monitoring Program (SWAMP), and Integrated Ecological Research (Darcie Quamme).


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